
Invoke the muses,1 I will

Make the music I feel

Win or lose it, I’m still calling

I’m calling their names


Verse 1

I’m like a troubadour. 'Cause even Jesus spoke in metaphors2

I’m bringing things to the culture that they’re not ready for

Be assured, my master plan’s a step ahead of yours

Jared Leto, This is War, the card count’s fifty-four, with Jokers


Like Joaquín, I’m rising like a Phoenix now3

Keep your bullshit opinions, 'cause I don’t need ‘em now

Even now, my net worth is something I won’t speak about

Could flex on my success, but I don’t even need the clout


Hear me out, ahead of time like the Prime Mover4

Entrepreneur, they gon’ watch my maneuver

Singer-songwriter, producer, superman and Lex Luther

One man band. Now I’ve been planning for the future, man


Onto newer frontiers, blood sweat and tears

Reaping what I’ve sown, but I’ll be sowing seeds for eighty years

I face fear, I’m on display like a souvenir5

Space pioneer, now watch me shooting through the stratosphere


Verse 2

I was born heavy, yeah I’m war ready

From Queens to the Queen City6 like the mercury they call Freddie7

It’s all petty when they said my thoughts were all pennies

I played the game, take the fame, I made it already


Feed my family with this music, do you understand me

Invoke the muses, I’m just using all the tools they hand me

Stretch my hammy, run the race8 but never chase the grammy

Don’t bet your life on validation they gon’ up the ante9


You’ll lay awake10 without a nuanced take

These days are crazy, man, but you want sane

A new John Wayne. The grit to spit what you won’t say

Life is pain. I'm Abel now, but you want Cain.11 So listen


Embrace the weight of the world to watch it take off12

You’re still human, ain’t no solutions only trade offs13

Wield the sword.14 To stay soft won’t pay off

If motion isn’t chosen15 then you’ll never shake the snakes off

1 Muses, In Literature, “O Muses, O high genius, aid me now!” - Dante’s Inferno (Canto II)

2 Mt 13:35

3 On the last two lines: Jared Leto is half of the band, Thirty Seconds To Mars, who released an album called “This Is War” in 2009. A deck of cards has 54 cards, including the two jokers. Both Jared Leto and Joaquin Phoenix played The Joker in their respective films (two jokers).

4 Unmoved Mover

5 Jn 3:14

6 Matt was born in Queens, NY, and later moved to Charlotte, NC (the Queen’s City)

7 Freddie Mercury from Queen

8 Heb 12:1-2

9 See work by Jonathan Haidt on the effects of social media, including The Anxious Generation

10 Phil 4:7

11 See “Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers” by Jordan Peterson

12 Mt 16:24-25

13 A warning against utopian ideas. “There are no solutions, only trade offs” - Thomas Sowell

14 Ep 6:17

15 “The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.” - Frank Herbert’s Dune. Other imagery includes: the idea of the “flow state”, the Bronze Serpent (Num 21:6-9), Christ becoming sin (2 Cor 5:21), and more.
